I’ve been where you are. I’ve felt the fear, the confusion, the desperate sadness, the loss and the isolation.
My divorce was drawn out, expensive and emotionally draining on a level that I could not have imagined. The process made me question my sanity and left me feeling like I was going slowly mad, the strong foundations I believed I’d built for myself were crumbling. When that priceless piece of paper came through stating the marriage was dissolved, I thought my heart might stop beating. It was finally over, it had taken 18 months but I could breathe again. Only that wasn’t the end. I found what followed even harder, dealing with family court. I felt totally depleted of energy, the despair was all consuming and I could feel it taking over every aspect of my life. It felt like I went to hell and back and it almost broke me.
Only it didn't

I decided then that I wanted to turn all this darkness, negativity and challenge into something positive, I wanted to turn my pain into my purpose. I believed there had to be a way to reframe my experiences. What I’ve been through has made me who I am today and I was sure there was a way those experiences and all I’d learnt could continue to be transformational for both myself and others. So I worked on myself, I read, I healed, I trained.
I’m now a qualified life coach, a certified master practitioner divorce and separation coach, an accredited somatic trauma informed coach & narcissistic abuse specialist. I’m a wife, a mother and a step mother but more important than all of that I’m someone who knows myself.
I’ve become the person I wish I had to turn to all those years ago. I’ve turned my dark clouds into new energy and harnessing every bit of knowledge that I’ve picked up along the way, I’m ready to walk by your side so you don’t need to feel the way I did. I’m grateful to be the strongest version of myself and I want that for you too. So if you’re ready, let’s get to work!